Here you will find some hands on snippets for reactions in Twig.
{% set reactions_work = craft.reactions_work %}
{# reactions_work \twentyfourhoursmedia\reactionswork\services\ReactionsWorkFacade #}
{% set reactions = reactions_work.reactions(entry) %}
{# show 'Lilly Morissette, Ayla Gutkowski and 1 other user.' #}
{% with %}
{% set userIds = reactions.allUserIds %}
{% set numUsers = userIds | length %}
{% set usersToShow = 2 %}
{% set users = reactions_work.usersFromIds(reactions.allUserIds | slice(0,usersToShow)) %}
{% set remaining = max(0, numUsers - (users | length)) %}
{% for user in users %}
{{ }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if remaining > 0 %}
and {{ remaining }} other {{ remaining == 1 ? 'user' : 'users' }}.
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
TIP: use a macro to show reaction icons
{% import '_macros/reactions-macros.twig' as macros %}
{% set reactions_work = craft.reactions_work %}
{# reactions_work \twentyfourhoursmedia\reactionswork\services\ReactionsWorkFacade #}
{% set reactions = reactions_work.reactions(entry) %}
{% for handle in reactions_work.reactionHandles %}
<span title="{{ reactions.countReactions(handle) }} reactions">
{{ macros.reactionIcon(handle) }}
{% endfor %}
{%- macro reactionIcon(handle, opts = {} ) %}
{# link #}
{% set dimmed = opts.dimmed ?? false %}
{% set class = "emoji" %}
{% if dimmed %}
{% set class = class ~ " emoji-dimmed" %}
{% endif %}
{% switch handle %}
{% case 'like' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'love' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'haha' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'wow' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'sad' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'angry' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'dollar' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'cash' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'bull' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{% case 'bear' %}
<i class="{{ class }}">Insert your utf8 emoji here</i>
{# add your icons for custom handles here.. #}
{# .. #}
{# fallback #}
{% default %}
<i class="{{ class }}"></i>
{% endswitch %}
{% endmacro -%}
{% set reactions_work = craft.reactions_work %}
{# reactions_work \twentyfourhoursmedia\reactionswork\services\ReactionsWorkFacade #}
{% set reactions = reactions_work.reactions(entry) %}
{% set canReact = reactions_work.reactable(currentUser, element) %}
{% set disabledAttr = canReact ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"' %}
<form method="post" action="{{ reactions_work.formUrl(element, currentUser) }}">
{{ csrfInput() }}
{{ redirectInput( }}
<input type="hidden" name="react" value="set"/>
{% for handle in reactions_work.reactionHandles %}
{% if not canReact or reactions.canRegister(handle, currentUser) %}
<button name="reaction" {{ disabledAttr }} type="submit" class="btn btn-info" value="{{ handle }}">{{ handle }}</button>
{% endif %}
{% if reactions.canDeregister(handle, currentUser) %}
<button name="reaction" {{ disabledAttr }} type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" value="{{ handle }}">{{ handle }}</button>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}