If you want to handle comment submission through Ajax, you can use the Ajax/XHR endpoint (since version 1.1.5).
The action url for this is: actions/comments-work/default/xhr-post-comment
The response returns a simple 'success' flag to indicate wether the post was successful.
A prototypic code sample in javascript would look like this. Based on what we have actually in production.
// handles submission of a comment form with ajax.
// listens to forms with css class js-commentworks-xhr-form
// note this is ECMA2015 style, you'd need Babel, Webpack - a transpiler to convert it to common javascript.
const prefix = 'commentworks';
$(document).on('submit', `form.js-${prefix}-xhr-form`, function(e) {
$this = $(this),
action = $this.attr(`data-${prefix}-xhr-action`),
loadCommentsUri = $this.attr(`data-${prefix}-xhr-loadcomments-uri`),
selector = $this.attr(`data-${prefix}-comments-selector`),
$selector = $(selector),
data = $this.serialize()
$this.find($(':input').prop('disabled', true));
url: action, method: 'POST', data: data,
success: function(result) {
if ((result.success ?? false) && loadCommentsUri) {
$this.find($(':input').prop('disabled', false));
commentworks xhr form
data-commentworks-xhr-action: xhr post url for comment works
data-commentworks-xhr-loadcomments-uri: url to reload comments after posting
data-commentworks-comments-selector: (jquery) selector for the div to load the comments in after posting
<div class="comment-form">
{% set xhr_action_uri = url('actions/comments-work/default/xhr-post-comment') %}
{% set xhr_loadcomments_uri = url('....') %}
data-commentworks-xhr-action="{{ xhr_action_uri }}"
data-commentworks-xhr-loadcomments-uri="{{ xhr_loadcomments_uri }}" ,
data-commentworks-comments-selector="#{{ comments_id }}"
{{ csrfInput() }}
{{ signCommentForm(blog) }}
<input name="elementId" value="{{ blog.id }}" type="hidden"/>
<input name="siteId" value="{{ blog.siteId }}" type="hidden"/>
<input name="commentFormat" value="text" type="hidden"/>
<input name="comment" type="text" placeholder="Laat een comment achter"/>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-width-small btn-danger btn-xs" type="submit">Verstuur</button>