Some twig filters to manipulate YouTube video ids and embed codes
Here are some twig filters to handle Youtube, for example in Craft CMS or Symfony templating.
public function getFilters()
return [
'my_extract_youtube_id' => new \Twig_SimpleFilter('my_extract_youtube_id', [$this, 'myExtractYoutubeId'])
* Extract youtube id from embed / youtube urls like
* Also accepts an id only.
* @param $url
* @return boolean|string
public function myExtractYoutubeId($url)
$parsed = parse_url($url);
$path = $parsed['path'] ?? false;
$host = $parsed['host'] ?? false;
$pathParts = $path ? explode('/', $path) : [];
$queryString = $parsed['query'] ?? '';
parse_str($queryString, $query);
// handle direct id's like 'tT3hyLvYNNo'
if (!$host && count($pathParts) === 1) {
return $pathParts[0];
// handle
if (isset($query['v'])) {
return $query['v'];
// handle
if ('embed' === ($pathParts[1] ?? '') && count($pathParts) > 2) {
return $pathParts[2] ?? false;
return false;
Generates an embed code, specify several options such as autoplay
public function getFilters()
return [
'my_youtube_embed_url' => new \Twig_SimpleFilter('my_youtube_embed_url', [$this, 'myYoutubeEmbedUrl'])
* Compose a youtube embed url, specify options such as autoplay
* @param $youtubeId
* @param array $options
* @return string
public function myYoutubeEmbedUrl($youtubeId, $options = [])
// see:
static $defaults = [
'rel' => false, // show related from all channels or from own channel
'autoplay' => false, // set to true or false. note that for autoplaying, mute needs to be set to true
'mute' => false, // set to true or false.
'enablejsapi' => false, // set to true or false.
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$params = [
'rel' => (int)$options['rel'] ? '1' : '0',
'autoplay' => (int)$options['autoplay'] ? '1' : '0',
'mute' => (int)$options['mute'] ? '1' : '0',
'enablejsapi' => (int)$options['enablejsapi'] ? '1' : '0',
$parts = [];
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
$parts[] = rawurlencode($k) . '=' . rawurlencode($v);
return '' . rawurlencode($youtubeId) . '?' . implode('&', $parts);
Get preview urls from YouTube for a YouTube id, specify a quality such as sd, mq, hq, maxres.
public function getFilters()
return [
'my_youtube_thumb' => new \Twig_SimpleFilter('my_youtube_thumb', [$this, 'myYoutubeThumb'])
* Returns a video thumbnail from youtube
* quality is one of: sd, mq, hq, maxres
* @param $youtubeId
* @param $quality
* @return string
public function myYoutubeThumb($youtubeId, $quality)
return '' . rawurlencode($youtubeId) . '/' . rawurlencode($quality) . 'default.jpg';